
In recent years, PSP has implemented various projects in which the issue of sustainability plays an important role. Sustainability is a task of growing global importance, and when it comes to raising awareness of this common challenge, Germany is one of the leading countries.
We take this aspect into account in every project development and work on creating increasingly sustainable buildings in which people can live and work.

Our goal is to optimally implement the current regulations and building standards in terms of sustainability. This involves both mandatory regulations and the goals to be achieved, i.e. an optional voluntary commitment. The standards primarily relate to the design of more energy-efficient buildings and the promotion of the appropriate use of building materials.
However, we also consider LCA parameters as a planning and optimisation tool for ecologically oriented buildings in accordance with the recommendations of the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB).

From every project we implement, we gain insights into sustainability and the design efficiency achieved, which we use as inspiration and guideline for our further actions.
For example, our experts in the Sustainable Construction team analyze ongoing projects in all construction phases. In the process, the team identifies the implemented sustainability strategies, taking into account the relevant criteria, and determines the potential for recognition and certification as a sustainable building. In this way, we have developed a project catalog in a continuous process that serves as a guideline for the implementation of sustainability measures in our current and future projects. The project catalogue will be further adapted to developments in the future.